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Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Scope Note: Literary compositions prepared for publication as an independent portion of a magazine, newspaper, encyclopedia, or other work.

Found in 279 Collections and/or Records:

William Henry Chamberlin papers

Identifier: ACCN 0846
Abstract The William Henry Chamberlin papers (1915-1954) consist of a bound copy of Chamberlin's paper, "Berkeley's Philosophy of Nature and Modern Theories of Evolution," written in 1916-1917 at Harvard under the direction of Ralph Barton Perry, and a photocopy of Ephraim E. Ericksen's "William H. Chamberlin, Pioneer Mormon Philosopher," published in The Western Humanities Review in 1954. Chamberlin was a Utah and Mormon philosopher who taught at...
Dates: 1915-1954

Harold T. Christensen papers

Identifier: ACCN 0715
Abstract The Harold T. Christensen papers (1933-1998) consist of sections of his memoir titled Mormon or Sociologist: Memoirs of a Marginal Man; articles, primarily on sociology; biographical materials; masters thesis (1937); autobiography of his brother, Cornell Christensen; and other materials. Christensen was a professor of sociology at Brigham Young University and at Purdue University.
Dates: 1933-1998

Barney B. Clark papers

Identifier: MS 0670
Abstract The Barney B. Clark papers (1910-1984) provide information on the development of the Jarvik-7 artificial heart, the implantation of this heart into a human being, and on Barney Bailey Clark, the first authorized recipient of this artificial heart. The bulk of the collection consists of materials related to the writing of a story about Barney Clark and the artificial heart by Earl and Miriam Selby. Also included are materials collected by Una Loy Clark, Barney Clark's wife, including a history...
Dates: 1910-1984

Cochranism collection

Identifier: MS 0470
Abstract The Cochranism collection (circa 1816-1983) consists of photocopied primary and secondary sources on the life of Jacob Cochran and the sect which he founded, including photocopies of legal documents. Also included is correspondence to various libraries and institutions seeking information on Jacob Cochran and Cochranism, particularly on whether any members of the Cochran sect later joined the LDS Church.
Dates: circa 1818-1983

Cold fusion collection

Identifier: ACCN 1319
Abstract The cold fusion collection (1987-1992) contains articles written by Bruce V. Lewenstein relating to the history and testing of cold fusion and clippings from the Utah Chemistry Department relating to the study of cold fusion.
Dates: 1987-1992

Everett L. Cooley papers

Identifier: ACCN 0073
Abstract The Everett L. Cooley papers (1775-2006) consist of autobiographical information, articles, book reviews, papers, correspondence, manuscripts, documents, oral history materials, speeches, meeting minutes, recommendations, memos, newsletters, bulletins, programs, and newspaper clippings. Cooley is professor emeritus of history at the University of Utah and the retired director of special collections in the University of Utah Marriott Library.
Dates: 1775-2006

Ramiro Cortés papers

Identifier: MS 0513
Abstract The Ramiro Cortés papers (1933-1988) document the personal and professional life of the first significant Mexican-American composer, Ramiro Cortés (1933-1984), of serious twentieth-century music in the United States.
Dates: 1933-1988

Walter Pace Cottam papers

Identifier: ACCN 1152
Abstract The Walter Pace Cottam papers (1929-1988) contain biographical and commemorative articles and speeches about Walter Cottam. Also included are photocopies of three speeches given by Cottam primarily dealing with beautification and conservation of Utah natural resources, correspondence, a notebook, and research information. Cottam was a professor of botany at the University of Utah, 1931-1962.
Dates: 1929-1988

Patrick G. Coy papers

Identifier: ACCN 1657
Abstract The Patrick G. Coy papers (1988-1997) contains a curriculum vitae and an article by Coy, "The One-Person Revolution of Ammon Hennacy." Patrick G. Coy was a professor at Kent State University and an author.
Dates: 1988-1997

Arthur L. Crawford papers

Identifier: MS 0364
Abstract The Arthur L. Crawford papers (1899-1980s) contain personal and professional correspondence, manuscripts and articles pertaining to mineral resources in Utah, bound volumes on geology and flood problems, Western Gilsonite and Elaterite Co. financial records, Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey (UGMS) administrative records, and the missionary journals of Crawford's father.
Dates: 1899-1980s