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Declarations, 2013

 File — Box: 12, Folder: 2

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Utahns for Better Transportation Records (1988-2017) consist of agendas, comments, correspondence, data, environmental impact statements (EIS), ephemera, legal documents, maps, memorandums, reports, and studies related transportation projects and proposals in Utah. The records were maintained by Utahn for Better Transportation co-chairs, Roger Borgenicht and Ann Floor. The records primarily relate to three transportation projects: Legacy Parkway,... Mountain View Corridor (MVC), and West Davis Corridor (WDC).

The Legacy Parkway series consists primarily of comments, correspondence, environmental impact statements, legal documents, reports, and studies from 1997-2016. The opposing comments were from a coalition of associations, individuals, and organizations in response to the Legacy Parkway environmental impact statements. The material in this series covers the environmental concerns associated with the Legacy Highway, which were validated in a decision by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in 2002. Also included are binders containing the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Reevaluation and technical memorandum related to the renewed Legacy Parkway from 2004-2005.

The Mountain View Corridor series consists primarily of comments and environmental impact statements from 2006-2015. Also included are material related to MVC's EIS initiating process in 2003. The comments from Smart Mobility, Utah Chapter of the Sierra Club, Utah Moms for Clean Air, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment, and Utahns for Better Transportation were in response draft of the environmental impact statement and sequencing analysis. The MVC EIS included are only photocopies from a few chapters, an appendix, and a record of decision from 2005-2008.

The Utahns for Better Transportation is a general series, which consists of various formats, organizations, and subjects related to transportation from 1988-2017. The topics and organizations include 1998 Long Range Transportation Plan, air quality, bicycling, Envision Utah, Future Moves Coalition, Union Pacific Intermodal, and Wasatch Front Regional Council. The Wasatch Front Regional Council also includes material related to the Wasatch Choice for 2040 and the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Light transit rail (LTR) and the Interstate-15 Corridor are common subjects found throughout this series.

The West Davis Corridor series consists primarily comments, correspondence, data, notes, memorandums, studies, and reports from 2000-2017. The material covers the announcement of the project by the Utah Department of Transportation in 2010 and the Shared Solution Coalition, which was proposed as an alternative to the WDC in 2013. The Shared Solution was a formal request from UBET and the Sierra Club addressed to UDOT to undertake an alternative-build solution. Also included are requests to cities to review and respond to data regarding land uses related to WDC and the Shared Solution's alternative.

The oversize series consists of environmental impact statements contained in four binders related the Legacy Parkway.

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  • 2013

Conditions Governing Access

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


From the Collection: 9.75 Linear Feet (14 Boxes, 4 Oversize Boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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